Source code for chama.simulation

The simulation module contains methods to run Gaussian air dispersion models. 
Chama can also integrate simulations from third party software for additional
sensor placement applications.

.. rubric:: Contents

.. autosummary::


from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# from scipy import integrate

def _calculate_sigma(x, stability_class):
    Calculates sigmay and sigmaz as a function of grid points in the 
    direction of travel (x) for stability class A through F.

    x: numpy array
        Grid points in the direction of travel (m)
    stability_class : string
        Stability class, A through F
    sigmay: numpy array
        Standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution in the horizontal
        (crosswind) direction (m)
    sigmaz: numpy array
        Standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution in the vertical
        direction (m)
    if stability_class == 'A':
        k = [0.250, 927, 0.189, 0.1020, -1.918]
    elif stability_class == 'B':
        k = [0.202, 370, 0.162, 0.0962, -0.101]
    elif stability_class == 'C':
        k = [0.134, 283, 0.134, 0.0722, 0.102]
    elif stability_class == 'D':
        k = [0.0787, 707, 0.135, 0.0475, 0.465]
    elif stability_class == 'E':
        k = [0.0566, 1070, 0.137, 0.0335, 0.624]
    elif stability_class == 'F':
        k = [0.0370, 1170, 0.134, 0.0220, 0.700]

    sigmay = k[0] * x / (1 + x / k[1]) ** k[2]
    sigmaz = k[3] * x / (1 + x / k[1]) ** k[4]

    return sigmay, sigmaz

def _modify_grid(model, wind_direction, wind_speed):
    Rotates grid to account for wind direction.
    Translates grid to account for source location.
    model: chama GaussianPlume
        GaussianPlume object
    wind_direction: float
        Wind direction (degrees)
    wind_speed: float
        Wind speed (m/s)

    gridx: numpy array
        x values in the grid (m)
    gridy: numpy array
        y values in the grid (m)
    gridz: numpy array
        z values in the grid (m)

    angle_rad = wind_direction / 180.0 * np.pi
    gridx = (model.grid.x - model.source.x) * np.cos(angle_rad) \
            + (model.grid.y - model.source.y) * np.sin(angle_rad)
    gridy = - (model.grid.x - model.source.x) * np.sin(angle_rad) \
            + (model.grid.y - model.source.y) * np.cos(angle_rad)

    gridx[gridx < 0] = 0

    gridz = _calculate_z_with_buoyancy(model, gridx, wind_speed)
    return gridx, gridy, gridz

def _calculate_z_with_buoyancy(model, x, wind_speed):
    Adjusts grid in z direction to account for buoyancy.
    model: chama GaussianPlume or GaussianPuff 
        GaussianPlume or GaussianPuff object
    x: numpy array
        Distance in the downwind direction from the source (m)
    wind_speed: float
        Wind speed (m/s)

    z: numpy array
        z values in the grid (m)
    # buoyancy_parameter units: [m^4/s^3]
    buoyancy_parameter = (model.gravity * model.source.rate / np.pi) \
                         * (1.0 / model.density_eff - 1.0 / model.density_air)

    # z units: [m]
    z = model.source.z \
        + (1.6 * (buoyancy_parameter ** (1.0 / 3)) * x ** (2.0 / 3)) \
          / wind_speed

    return z

[docs]class Grid(object): def __init__(self, x, y, z): """ Defines the receptor grid. Parameters -------------- x: numpy array x values in the grid (m) y: numpy array y values in the grid (m) z: numpy array z values in the grid (m) """ self.x, self.y, self.z = np.meshgrid(x, y, z)
[docs]class Source(object): def __init__(self, x, y, z, rate): """ Defines the source location and leak rate. Parameters ------------- x: float x location of the source (m) y: float y location of the source (m) z: float z location of the source (m) rate: float source leak rate (kg/s) """ self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.rate = rate
[docs]class GaussianPlume: def __init__(self, grid, source, atm, gravity=9.81, density_eff=0.769, density_air=1.225): """ Defines the Gaussian plume model. Parameters --------------- grid: chama Grid Grid points at which concentrations should be calculated source: chama Source Source location and leak rate atm: pandas DataFrame Atmospheric conditions for the simulation. Columns include 'Wind Direction', 'Wind Speed', and 'Stability Class' indexed by the time that changes occur. gravity: float Gravity (m2/s), default = 9.81 m2/s density_eff: float Effective density of the leaked species (kg/m3), default = 0.769 kg/m3 density_eff: float Effective density of air (kg/m3), default = 1.225 kg/m3 """ self.grid = grid self.source = source self.atm = atm self.gravity = gravity self.density_eff = density_eff self.density_air = density_air self.conc = pd.DataFrame()
[docs] def run(self): """ Computes the concentrations of a Gaussian plume. """ conc = pd.DataFrame() for t in self.atm.index: wind_direction =[t, 'Wind Direction'] wind_speed =[t, 'Wind Speed'] stability_class =[t, 'Stability Class'] X2, Y2, h = _modify_grid(self, wind_direction, wind_speed) sigmay, sigmaz = _calculate_sigma(X2, stability_class) a = np.zeros(X2.shape) b = np.zeros(X2.shape) c = np.zeros(X2.shape) a[X2 > 0] = self.source.rate / \ (2 * np.pi * wind_speed * sigmay[X2 > 0] * sigmaz[X2 > 0]) b[X2 > 0] = np.exp(-Y2[X2 > 0] ** 2 / (2 * sigmay[X2 > 0] ** 2)) c[X2 > 0] = np.exp(-(self.grid.z[X2 > 0] - h[X2 > 0]) ** 2 / (2 * sigmaz[X2 > 0] ** 2)) \ + np.exp(-(self.grid.z[X2 > 0] + h[X2 > 0]) ** 2 / (2 * sigmaz[X2 > 0] ** 2)) conc_at_t = a * b * c conc_at_t[np.isnan(conc_at_t)] = 0 conc_at_t = pd.DataFrame(data=np. transpose([self.grid.x.ravel(), self.grid.y.ravel(), self.grid.z.ravel(), conc_at_t.ravel()]), columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'S']) conc_at_t['T'] = t conc = conc.append(conc_at_t, ignore_index=True) self.conc = conc self.conc = self.conc[['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T', 'S']]
[docs]class GaussianPuff: def __init__(self, grid=None, source=None, atm=None, tpuff=1, tend=None, tstep=10, gravity=9.81, density_eff=0.769, density_air=1.225): """ Defines the Gaussian puff model. Parameters --------------- grid: chama Grid Grid points at which concentrations should be calculated source: chama Source Source location and leak rate atm: pandas DataFrame Atmospheric conditions for the simulation. Columns include 'Wind Direction','Wind Speed', and 'Stability Class' indexed by the time that changes occur. tpuff: float Time between puffs (s) tend: float Total time to run the simulation (s). Must be divisible by tpuff tstep: float Time step for reporting concentration information (s) gravity: float Gravity (m2/s), default = 9.81 m2/s density_eff: float Effective density of the leaked species (kg/m3), default = 0.769 kg/m3 density_air: float Effective density of air (kg/m3), default = 1.225 kg/m3 """ # TODO Do keyword checks, must have atm! Can't vary the stability class self.grid = grid self.source = source self.atm = atm self.tpuff = tpuff self.tend = tend self.tstep = tstep self.gravity = gravity self.density_eff = density_eff self.density_air = density_air self.puff = pd.DataFrame() self.conc = pd.DataFrame() self._make_and_track_puffs() if self.grid is not None and self.source is not None:, tstep) def _make_and_track_puffs(self): """ Generates puffs for the entire simulation time. For each puff and each time step the location of the puff center is tracked along with the total distance traveled from the source and the standard deviations in the horizontal and vertical directions (sigmaY and sigmaZ). All of this information is stored in a pandas DataFrame called puff. """ if self.tend is None: self.tend = max(self.atm.index) tpuff = self.tpuff tend = self.tend temp = pd.DataFrame() temp = temp.append({'T': 0, 'X': self.source.x, 'Y': self.source.y, 'Z': self.source.z, 'D': 0, 'Puff_ID': 0}, ignore_index=True) df_list = [temp] tprev = temp wind_direction = 0 wind_speed = 0 stability_class = None # This will only work when tend is divisible by tpuff timepoints = np.linspace(tpuff, tend, num=int(tend / tpuff), endpoint=True) for t in timepoints: if t - tpuff in self.atm.index: wind_direction =[int(t - tpuff), 'Wind Direction'] wind_speed =[int(t - tpuff), 'Wind Speed'] stability_class =[int(t - tpuff), 'Stability Class'] # Update distances angle_rad = wind_direction / 180.0 * np.pi r = tpuff * wind_speed x = r * np.cos(angle_rad) y = r * np.sin(angle_rad) if abs(x) < 1E-5: x = 0.0 if abs(y) < 1E-5: y = 0.0 temp = tprev.copy() temp['X'] += x temp['Y'] += y temp['D'] += r temp['T'] = t temp['Z'] = _calculate_z_with_buoyancy(self, temp['D'].values, wind_speed) # New Puff temp = temp.append({'T': t, 'X': self.source.x, 'Y': self.source.y, 'Z': self.source.z, 'D': 0, 'Puff_ID': t}, ignore_index=True) df_list.append(temp) tprev = temp puff = pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True) sigmay, sigmaz = _calculate_sigma(puff['D'], stability_class) puff['sigmaY'] = sigmay puff['sigmaZ'] = sigmaz self.Q = self.source.rate * tpuff self.puff = puff
[docs] def run(self, grid, tstep): """ Computes the concentrations of a Gaussian puff model. Parameters ----------------- grid: chama Grid Grid points at which concentrations should be calculated tstep: float Time step for reporting concentration information (s) """ self.grid = grid self.tstep = tstep times = [i * tstep for i in range(int(self.tend / tstep) + 1)] conc_list = [] for t in times: # Extract the puff data at time t mask = (self.puff['T'] >= t - 0.1 * self.tpuff) \ & (self.puff['T'] <= t + 0.1 * self.tpuff) temp = self.puff.loc[mask].copy() temp = temp.reset_index() conc_at_t = np.zeros(grid.x.shape) for i in temp.index: xk = temp.iloc[i].X yk = temp.iloc[i].Y zk = temp.iloc[i].Z sigmay = temp.iloc[i].sigmaY sigmaz = temp.iloc[i].sigmaZ if sigmay == 0 or sigmaz == 0: continue if sigmay >= 8 or sigmaz >= 8: continue x_part = np.exp(-((xk - grid.x)**2) / (2 * sigmay**2)) y_part = np.exp(-((yk - grid.y)**2) / (2 * sigmay**2)) z_part = np.exp(-((zk - grid.z)**2) / (2 * sigmaz**2)) z_reflection = np.exp(-((zk + grid.z)**2) / (2 * sigmaz**2)) conc_at_t += 1 / (sigmay**2 * sigmaz) * x_part * y_part * \ z_part # Add reflection part conc_at_t += 1 / (sigmay**2 * sigmaz) * x_part * y_part * \ z_reflection conc_at_t = conc_at_t * self.Q / ((2 * np.pi)**1.5) conc_at_t = pd.DataFrame(data=np.transpose([self.grid.x.ravel(), self.grid.y.ravel(), self.grid.z.ravel(), conc_at_t.ravel()]), columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'S']) conc_at_t['T'] = t conc_list.append(conc_at_t) self.conc = pd.concat(conc_list, ignore_index=True) self.conc = self.conc[['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T', 'S']]