Source code for chama.impact

The impact module contains methods to extract detection times from a set of
simulations and sensor technologies along with methods to convert detection 
times to impact and coverage metrics.

.. rubric:: Contents

.. autosummary::

from __future__ import print_function, division
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

[docs]def extract_detection_times(signal, sensors, interp_method=None, min_distance=10.0): """ Returns detection times from a signal and group of sensors. Parameters ---------- signal : pandas DataFrame Signal data from the simulation. The DataFrame can be in XYZ format (with columns named 'X','Y','Z','T') or Node format (with columns named 'Node','T') along with one column for each scenario (user defined names). sensors : dict A dictionary of sensors with key:value pairs containing {'sensor name': chama :py:class:`Sensor<chama.sensors.Sensor>` object} interp_method : 'linear', 'nearest', or None Method used to interpolate the signal if needed. A value of 'linear' will use griddata to interpolate missing sample points. A value of 'nearest' will set the sample point to the nearest signal point within a minimum distance of min_distance. If there are no signal points within this distance then the signal will be set to zero at the sample point. Note that interpolation is not used when the signal is in Node format. min_distance : float The minimum distance when using the 'nearest' interp_method Returns ------- det_times : pandas DataFrame DataFrame with columns 'Scenario', 'Sensor', and 'Detection Times'. """ # Extracting a subset of the signal in the sensor module is fastest # using multiindex even though setting the index initially is slow # check if the signal is already in multiindex form if not isinstance(signal.index, pd.MultiIndex): if set(['T', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']) < set(list(signal.columns)): signal = signal.set_index(['T', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']) elif set(['T', 'Node']) < set(list(signal.columns)): signal = signal.set_index(['T', 'Node']) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized signal format') if 'Node' in signal.index.names: interp_method = None det_times_dict = {'Scenario': [], 'Sensor': [], 'Detection Times': []} for (name, sensor) in sensors.items(): # loop over sensors # Get detected signal detected = sensor.get_detected_signal(signal, interp_method, min_distance) # If the sensor detected something if detected.shape[0] > 0: for scenario_name, group in detected.groupby(level=[1]): det_times_dict['Scenario'].append(scenario_name) det_times_dict['Sensor'].append(name) det_times_dict['Detection Times'].append( group.index.get_level_values(0).tolist()) det_times = pd.DataFrame(det_times_dict) det_times = det_times[['Scenario', 'Sensor', 'Detection Times']] # reorder det_times = det_times.sort_values(['Scenario', 'Sensor']) det_times = det_times.reset_index(drop=True) return det_times
[docs]def detection_time_stats(detection_times): """ Returns detection times statistics (min, mean, median, max, and count). The minimum detection time is often used as input to an impact-based sensor placement solver. Parameters ---------- detection_times : pandas DataFrame Detection times for each scenario-sensor pair. The DataFrame has columns 'Scenario', 'Sensor', and 'Detection Times', see :class:`~chama.impact.detection_times`. Returns ---------- det_t : pandas DataFrame DataFrame with columns 'Scenario', 'Sensor', 'Min', 'Mean', 'Median', 'Max', and 'Count'. """ det_t = detection_times.copy() det_t['Min'] = det_t['Detection Times'].apply(np.min) det_t['Mean'] = det_t['Detection Times'].apply(np.mean) det_t['Median'] = det_t['Detection Times'].apply(np.median) det_t['Max'] = det_t['Detection Times'].apply(np.max) det_t['Count'] = det_t['Detection Times'].apply(len) del det_t['Detection Times'] return det_t
[docs]def detection_time_to_impact(detection_time, impact_data): """ Coverts detection time to an impact/damage metric. The impact DataFrame returned from this function can be used as input to :py:class:`ImpactFormulation<chama.optimization.ImpactFormulation>`. Parameters ---------- detection_time : pandas DataFrame Detection time for each scenario-sensor pair. The DataFrame has columns 'Scenario', 'Sensor', and 'T'. Note the 'T' column here is a single time and not a list of detection times. impact_data : pandas DataFrame Impact data for each scenario and time. The DataFrame has columns 'T' and one column for each scenario (user defined names) containing the impact/damage if each scenario was first detected at the times in 'T'. Returns ---------- det_damage : pandas DataFrame DataFrame with columns 'Scenario', 'Sensor', and 'Impact'. """ impact_data = impact_data.set_index('T') allT = list(set(detection_time['T']) | set(impact_data.index)) impact_data = impact_data.reindex(allT) impact_data.sort_index(inplace=True) impact_data.interpolate(inplace=True) det_damage = detection_time.copy() det_damage['T'] = impact_data.lookup(detection_time['T'], detection_time['Scenario']) det_damage.rename(columns={'T': 'Impact'}, inplace=True) return det_damage
[docs]def detection_times_to_coverage(detection_times, coverage_type='scenario', scenario=None): """ Converts a detection times DataFrame to a coverage DataFrame The returned coverage DataFrame can be used for input to a :py:class:`CoverageFormulation<chama.optimization.CoverageFormulation>`. Parameters ---------- detection_times : pandas DataFrame Detection times for each scenario-sensor pair. The DataFrame has columns 'Scenario', 'Sensor', and 'Detection Times', see :class:`~chama.impact.detection_times`. coverage_type : 'scenario' or 'scenario-time' Sets the coverage type: 'scenario' (the default value) builds lists of which scenarios are detected/covered by each sensor ignoring the time it was detected, 'scenario-time' treats every scenario-time pair as a new scenario and builds lists of which of these new scenarios are detected/covered by each sensor thereby calculating coverage over all scenarios and times. scenario : pandas DataFrame This is an optional argument which should be provided only if the coverage_type is 'scenario-time' and the user wants to propagate a scenario's undetected impact and probability to the new 'scenario-time' scenarios. This DataFrame contains three columns, 'Scenario` is the name of the scenarios, 'Undetected Impact' is the impact if the scenario goes undetected and 'Probability' is the probability or weighting of each scenario. Returns ------- coverage : pandas DataFrame DataFrame with columns 'Sensor' and 'Coverage' where the 'Coverage' column contains a list of the scenarios/entities detected by a sensor. new_scenario : pandas DataFrame DataFrame returned if coverage_type is 'scenario-time' and a 'scenario' DataFrame was provided. The columns in this DataFrame match those in the provided 'scenario' DataFrame """ # remove any entries where detection times is an empty list detection_times = detection_times[detection_times.apply( lambda x: len(x['Detection Times']) != 0, axis=1)] if coverage_type == 'scenario': coverage = detection_times # drop the detection times coverage.drop('Detection Times', axis=1, inplace=True) coverage = coverage.groupby('Sensor')['Scenario'].unique() coverage = coverage.reset_index() coverage.rename(columns={'Scenario': 'Coverage'}, inplace=True) return coverage elif coverage_type == 'scenario-time': # create a series that has the Detection Times as the main data det_series = detection_times.set_index( ['Scenario', 'Sensor'])['Detection Times'] # turn the Detection times list into a series. This creates a new # DataFrame with additional columns equal to the maximum number of # detection times with NaNs df = det_series.apply(pd.Series) # turn the additional columns into additional rows - This will add an # additional index to the multi-index whose value is the original # column number we also set the names appropriately = 'Detection Time Idx' df = df.stack() = 'Detection Time' # make all the indices columns again df = df.reset_index() # add in the probabilities column if scenario DataFrame is provided if scenario is not None: df = pd.merge(df, scenario, how='left', on='Scenario') # rename the scenarios def rename_with_detection_times(row, col_name): value = row['Detection Time'] return '{0}-{1}'.format(row[col_name], value) df['Scenario'] = df.apply(rename_with_detection_times, col_name='Scenario', axis=1) # drop the unnecessary columns df.drop(['Detection Time Idx', 'Detection Time'], inplace=True, axis=1) new_scenario = df.copy() new_scenario.drop(['Sensor'], inplace=True, axis=1) new_scenario.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) # group all the scenarios for each sensor into a list coverage = \ df[['Scenario', 'Sensor']].groupby('Sensor')['Scenario'].unique() coverage = coverage.reset_index() # rename the columns for coverage coverage.rename(columns={'Scenario': 'Coverage'}, inplace=True) if scenario is None: # Only return coverage if no scenario DataFrame was provided return coverage return coverage, new_scenario raise ValueError("coverage_type must be 'scenario' or 'scenario-time'")
[docs]def impact_to_coverage(impact, impact_col_name='Impact'): """ Convert an impact DataFrame to a coverage DataFrame The returned coverage DataFrame can be used for input to a :py:class:`CoverageFormulation<chama.optimization.CoverageFormulation>`. Parameters ---------- impact : pandas DataFrame DataFrame containing three columns. 'Scenario' is the name of the scenarios, 'Sensor' is the name of the sensors, and a third column (called impact_col_name) contains an impact value. impact_col_name : str The name of the column containing the impact data (default = 'Impact') Returns ------- coverage : pandas DataFrame DataFrame with columns 'Sensor' and 'Coverage' to be used as input to a coverage-based sensor placement solver. """ coverage = impact.copy() # drop the impact column coverage.drop(impact_col_name, axis=1, inplace=True) coverage = coverage.groupby('Sensor')['Scenario'].unique() coverage = coverage.reset_index() coverage.rename(columns={'Scenario': 'Coverage'}, inplace=True) return coverage